What To Expect At Wilmont
- We have convenient Visitor and Handicapped parking near the entrance to our Welcome Center. Use the southeast parking lot in front of the Gym.
- There are Greeters at our Welcome Center before our 9:30 a.m. Sunday school and before our 10:45 worship service. They are stationed at our entrances to help you find your way around our campus.
- We take your safety while at Wilmont seriously. You will see some of our safety team wearing name tags. But you should know there are safety team members and procedures in place you won’t see, all to keep members safe while we worship.
What Is Sunday School?
We have age segregated classes and specialty classes for adults and children to choose from. Our greeters can point you in the right direction.
- Infants (birth to Preschool)
- Children (Pre-K to 6th graders)
- Youth (7th graders to 12th graders)
- Young Singles (College & Young Professionals)
- New Member and Discipleship 101 (D101)
- Women of all ages
- Adults (co-ed, men's, women's, and age specific classes)
What Should I Wear?
Most people wear business casual but you will find some more casual than that. Our pastor wears a button down shirt with slacks, and sometimes a blazer. Wear what is both reasonable and appropriate for you in worship. You will be accepted.
What About Music?
Our music is a range of traditional hymns, sometimes sung with more modern music, and popular worship songs you might hear on the radio. We call that blended. We focus less on the music than we do the theology, believing that the words we offer to the Lord in worship are important. Everyone on our worship team is a normal person who is a member of our church. Skill levels vary. Our music is an act of worship by everyday people, not a professional performance. We design our worship to include the congregation, so sing along!
Our Worship Services
We meet in our sanctuary that seats about 300 people.
- We begin by reading the Bible together. The words will be available for you on the screen if you don't have a Bible.
- We sing songs, sometimes standing and sometimes sitting. Sing along with us.
- We encourage financial giving during worship. You are not required to give anything. Giving is a part of worship for our members. It’s for the Lord, not for the church. For our guests, introduce yourself to us by sharing your contact information at welcome.wilmontplace.com or fill out the Connect Card in the pew pocket at your seat and drop it in an offering box. We would love to get to know you better.
- The pastor will preach a message from the Bible. He uses the New American Standard Version, but you can follow along in whatever version you bring. If you don’t have a Bible, you will be able to follow along easily. We usually put the words on the screens. He preaches text-driven sermons, meaning that you will be able to see the truths in the Bible text itself.
- We have an “invitation” at the end of the sermon. It is a time for reflection and obedience. Some might come to the front of the church to either pray by themselves at the altar (the steps in front of the stage) or to counsel and pray with someone on our prayer team. If you would like prayer, feel free to approach a member of our confidential prayer team who will be on the front pew. Needs requiring longer attention will be referred to a later time for followup. Nothing will ever be forced on you. If you desire, there are counseling rooms where you can meet with someone after worship.
Worship Time For Our Kids
- On Sundays we have a children's church worship time in our Kidz Zone where our children are invited to join adult leaders in our children's worship area for age appropriate lessons and worship. Children in Nursery and Sunday School will be transitioned to their respective worship areas without parental involvement but feel free to check on your kids at any time. Kidz Zone worship is canceled on the 4th Sunday of every month where children stay with adults for Family Worship Sunday in the Sanctuary.
- All of our children’s workers have passed strict background checks and reference screenings and have been cleared to work with children. You are welcome to observe your children in worship. Just let an usher, children’s worker, or staff member know your desire. You will be accompanied by a member of our safety team while you are in the worship area with the children.
What about Babies and Preschoolers?
We have a nursery where members of our church who have passed our background and screening review are ready to embrace your children birth through preschool in our activity-driven nursery. If you prefer, your children are welcome to stay with you in church. Please make use of our foyer, restrooms, or nursery if their activity during worship distracts you.
- Please bring anything the children's workers may need to help care for your child including diapers, bottles/food, allergy information, contact information for a parent or guardian, and an extra set of clothes (for those unanticipated accidents). Please do not bring baby monitors or other electronics. If the need arises, our workers will text you in the worship service.
- Parents or guardians will be required to drop off and pick up children. You will be provided a child check-in ticket that can be used to pick up your child. At the same time, our nursery staff will get to know you and will most likely recognize you as the parent or guardian.
Will Someone Contact Me?
Maybe. We are excited to visit those who visit us. We do not contact you to pressure you into anything beyond your visit. We contact you because we sincerely want you to know you are welcome and to give you a chance to visit with some in our congregation. We want to demonstrate that we are available to help you in your spiritual journey. If you wish not to be contacted, please indicate your desire on the visitor card that you turn in to the offering boxes or note on your online visitor submission at welcome.WilmontPlace.com.