The Problem
We are sinners, created beings who have missed the mark of holiness. Theft, murder, and even white lies are contrary to the character and purpose for which He created us (Romans 3:23). While God loves us, His righteousness demands Him to be just and to bring all things (even our sin) under the punishment it deserves (Romans 6:23). Setting things right would mean that all people are separated eternally from God, what the Bible describes as a second death (Revelation 20:14-15).
The Cure
Our brokenness restricts us from fixing our problem, so God fixed it for us (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). God the Father sent God the Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us -- the innocent for the guilty. While He lived a perfect life without sin, He suffered the consequence of sin. But in God's plan, Jesus did not remain eternally dead. He was made alive again, after death, demonstrating for us that He has power over death.
The Hope
Now God invites every sinner to accept Jesus' payment for the sinner's personal sin problem (John 3:16). This acceptance is called "belief" or "faith" in the Bible. We are not saved from our sin by doing good, but rather through committed faith in Jesus' cure for us (Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus wants to rule over your sin problem and your entire life because He has paid the price to purchase us from the death we deserve to the life that he offers. But every person must embrace this offering of Jesus willingly (Romans 10:9-10).
Watch this short video to hear our pastor share the good news of Jesus with you!