Discipleship (D)-101 is a small class of 3-8 people taught quarterly on Sunday mornings for 6 weeks for those wanting to start (over) in their walk with the Lord. While the class is open to questions and discussion, there are no expectations and your verbal participation is purely voluntary. This is a safe place to start your journey, regardless of your comfort with church. Find out more info about our next session of D101 and register here.
Small Group
Join a small group. We have Bible study classes at 9:30 am Sunday mornings for all age groups and walks of life. If you haven't already, begin attending a small group Bible study class.
Next, serve your small group. There are many ways to become a leader and serve your small group. Each group is comprised of a teacher, prayer leader, evangelism coordinator, missions partner, member-care leader, etc. This is where many begin to learn to serve. |
Join a D-Group. Discipleship (D)-Groups are small teams of 3-4 people who are learning to grow together in relationship and accountability first with God then with each other. While joining a D-Group becomes possible through invitation only, we are pretty happy to have just about anyone jump in. D-Groups are being added all the time. Let a minister know you want to find a D-Group.